Hannah Montana star's $1m condoms deal
Sweet-faced MILEY CYRUS has been offered $1 MILLION to become to face of a US condom firm.
The wholesome 15-year-old Hannah Montana star, who’s pledged to stay off sex until her wedding night, is being courted by LifeStyles Condoms, who say she’s the ‘obvious choice’.

PARTY babe SARAH HARDING has landed her fella TOM CRANE DJ duties in the Virgin VIP room after the GIRLS ALOUD set at V Festival.
Sarah asked festival organisers to time Tom’s gig for directly after the Girls’ set so she and the ladies can let their hair down.
Tom will be spinning the tunes in the Virgin Mobile Louder Lounge after the foxy five-piece come off stage at Hylands Park in Chelmsford later this month.

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Comment number: 128655964
Offensive? Report commentI always loved Gordon Ramsey untill tonight well so much for him and his f word ,it has coast me and my partner a small for fortune trying to complan about his site. I got on to it looking for ideas, well what i got was pure filth!! never again i can not believe he would condon that dirt. The only thing that saved him is the fact that it is an adult site?? from the glimpse we got. from now on i will never watch him on tv ever again